Where to Find Tour Spot 1: Head straight in from the entrance and stop in the lobby.
You are standing in the lobby of the Lawrence W. Tyree Library and Learning Commons (Y building), a bustling building with 249,043 visits in the last academic year. Our goal is to support students academically by providing academic and research support, resources, and study spaces. The Library and Learning Commons is a place to hang out, study, ask questions, find a good book, partner with tutors for course support, or just relax.
The first floor has the loudest noise level of the three floors. It's a more social floor, with group study encouraged. Food and drink is allowed throughout the building. To keep the building a clean and healthy space, users are encouraged to throw away trash and clean up spills and messes.
Immediately to the right of the entrance is Coffee 101, a Barnes & Noble café that sells coffee and snacks. Coffee 101 hours may differ from building hours, so check Food Service hours.
The big desk immediately as you enter is the combined Circulation Desk and Academic Success Coaching desk.
The left portion of the desk is the Circulation Desk. This is where you will go to borrow and return library materials, pick up items on hold, and ask for books in the Reserve Collection (a small collection of course textbooks). It is also the location of the College's Laptop Loan Program.
The Circulation Desk also has the following equipment to borrow:
All items can be borrowed with your SF ID card or an official government-issued photo ID.
The right portion of the desk is the Academic Success Coaching area. Academic success coaches help students develop customized success plans to meet their academic and personal objectives. Students often speak with coaches about strategies to improve time management, study skills, test and notetaking skills, and many other topics related to academic success. You can make an appointment to meet with a coach or stop by the desk! See hours and appointment instructions.
Near the Academic Success Coaches is the 1st floor printer and copier. Items can be sent from a library computer or from wireless devices on the SFCollege wifi (some additional set-up may be needed). Black and white printing/copies is 10¢ a page and color is 25¢ a page, and the system accepts silver coins, dollar bills, credit/debit cards, and tap payments such as Google and Apple Pay.
Looking back to the main lobby area, along the yellow and wood wall is the Vinyl Collection. This is a collection of records from many genres. SF students and staff may borrow these records. There are portable record players and studio headphones available to borrow at the Circulation Desk if needed.
Straight ahead, behind the column with the digital signage and directly across from the elevator, is the Magazines & Newspaper Collection. These are print newspapers (local and national) and magazines on a variety of topics. Magazines and newspapers must be read in the building and do not leave. There are free scanners on the second floor if you would like to scan an article. There are many more magazines and newspapers available online, mostly through Flipster (for magazines) and Newsbank (for newspapers). You can also set up access to the Wall Street Journal website. These online resources are only available to current SF students and staff.
Now head to Spot 2: Go straight past the Magazines & Newspapers and head past the elevators. Stop in the main area close to the windows.