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MLA Citation Guide

Generic References

You can use the main citation components to create a citation for anything, even if no examples cover your source. View other citation examples and read through the citation components page to see guidelines and formatting tips.


Author. Title of Source OR "Title of Source." Title of Container, Contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Date, Location.


If there is no formal title for an artwork or photograph, describe it (e.g. 'Jar with feathered serpent design.')

Template for Art Viewed In-Person

Artist. Title of Artwork. Composition Date, Museum, City. Medium (optional).

Template for Art Viewed Online

Artist. Title of Artwork. Composition Date, Website, URL. Medium (optional).

Template for Art Viewed in a Book

Artist. Title of Artwork. Composition Date, Location of Artwork. Book Title, by Author, Publisher, year, page.

Works Cited List Entries

Degas, Hilaire-Germain-Edgar. Little Dancer, Aged Fourteen. Circa 1922, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Bronze sculpture.

Eberhardt, Anton. Saint George. Circa 1760, Artstor, Sculpture.

Mondrian, Piet. Composition with Blue and Yellow. 1932, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia. Oil on canvas.

K'ai, Liang. Portrait of the Poet Li Po. Circa 1260-1310, National Museum, Tokyo. Art in World History, by Mary Hollingsworth, Sharpe Reference, 2004, p. 142.

In-Text Citations





See pages 331-332 in the MLA Handbook, Appendix 2 in the MLA Handbook Plus, and How do I cite a museum image that I viewed in person or online? [Ask the MLA]

Museum Wall Text


Wall text for Artwork Name, by Artist. Museum, Location.

Works Cited List Entry

Wall text for Apocalypse II, by Jerry Uelsmann. Harn Museum of Art, Gainesville, FL.

Wall text for qur'anic amulet. Harn Museum of Art, Gainesville, FL.

In-Text Citations

("Wall Text for Apocalypse II")

("Wall Text for Qur'anic Amulet")

See Appendix 2 in the MLA Handbook Plus and How do I cite wall text accompanying artwork at a museum? [MLA Style Center]

Illustrated Works or Cartoons


Creator. Cartoon. Location.

Works Cited List Entry

Steiner, Peter. Cartoon. The New Yorker, 5 July 1993.

In-Text Citation


See Appendix 2 in the MLA Handbook Plus.

Buildings or Monuments


Architect. Name of building or monument. Date, Location.

Works Cited List Entry

Great Pyramid of Giza. Circa 26th century BCE, Cairo, Egypt.

Lin, Maya. Vietnam Veterans Memorial. 1982, Washington, D. C.

In-Text Citation

("Great Pyramid")


See Appendix 2 in the MLA Handbook Plus.

Class Materials

Template for Syllabus

Syllabus for Course Name. Taught by professor name, semester, Institution, City.

Template for Uploaded Materials

"Title of Materials." Course Name, taught by professor name. Canvas, Institution, URL.

Template for Item in Course Pack

Author of Item. "Title of Item." Course pack for Course Number: Course Name, compiled by professor name, semester, Institution.

Works Cited List Entries

Syllabus for College Composition 1. Taught by Jane Smith, fall 2021, Santa Fe College, Gainesville.

"Lesson 1 Slides." College Composition 1, taught by Jane Smith. Canvas, Santa Fe College, 12 Aug. 2021,

Frost, Robert. "The Path Not Taken." Course pack for ENC1101: College Composition 1, compiled by Jane Smith, fall 2021, Santa Fe College.

In-Text Citations


("Lesson 1")


See page 341 from the MLA Handbook.


Template for Single Performer Events (e.g., Concert)

Performer. Type of Event. Date, Venue, City.

Template for Collaborative Performances (e.g., Play)

Author. Performance Name. Directed by Director, Company, Date, Venue, City.

Template for Recorded Performance

Director, director. Performance Title. By Author. Location, Date. Website, URL.

Works Cited List Entry

Beatles. Concert. 15 Aug. 1965, Shea Stadium, New York.

Doran, Gregory, director. Hamlet. By William Shakespeare, BBC, 2009. DVD.

Kuo, Jay, et al. Allegiance. Directed by Lorenzo Thione, Longacre Theatre, New York, 13 Dec. 2016. Digital Theatre+,

Miranda, Lin-Manuel. Hamilton. Directed by Thomas Kail, 28 Jan. 2017, PrivateBank Theatre, Chicago.

In-Text Citations



(Kuo et al.)


See pages 334-335 in the MLA Handbook.

Government Bills


Author. Title of Bill. Date. Website, URL. Xth Congress, Xth session, passed Date.

Works Cited List Entry

United States, Congress. Public Law 89-236: An Act to Amend the Immigration and Nationality Act. Government Publishing Office, 89th Congress, passed 3 Oct. 1968.

Florida, Congress. Committee Substitute for Committee Substitute for House Bill No. 293 (Chapter 2017-55). 2017. State Library and Archives of Florida, Passed 2 June 2017.

In-Text Citations

(United States, Congress)

(Florida, Congress)

See page 345 in the MLA Handbook.

Personal Interviews


Interviewee. Interview. Conducted by Interviewer, Date.

Interviewee. Telephone interview with the author. Date.

Works Cited List Entry

Smith, John. Interview. Conducted by Mary Knotts, 12 Jan. 2015.

Jones, Elizabeth. Telephone interview with the author. 30 June 2021.

In-Text Citations



See page 336 in the MLA Handbook.

Theses & Dissertations


Author. Title. Date. School, Type. Website, URL.

Works Cited List Entry

Ulman, Taylor. Archetype and Brand Congruency in Advertising. 2009. U of Florida, Masters thesis,

In-Text Citation


See page 339 in the MLA Handbook.


You may also cite an entire cookbook using the guidelines for citing books.

Template for Recipe from Cookbook

Author. "Recipe Name." Cookbook Title, by Publisher, Date, pp. XX-XX.

Template for Recipe Viewed Online

Author. "Recipe Name." Website, Date, URL.

Personal Recipe Card

Author. Recipe for Dish. [Date?]

Works Cited List Entry

Landis, Lindsay. "Spiced Persimmon Bread." Love & Olive Oil, 9 Dec. 2024,

Nosrat, Samin. "Bright Cabbage Slaw." Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat: Mastering the Elements of Good Cooking, by Simon & Schuster, 2017, pp. 224-225.

Smith, Jane. Recipe for Grandma's Lasagna. [1992?]

"Sweet Potato Pie." New Cookbook, Better Homes and Gardens Book, 1996, p. 373.

In-Text Citations




("Sweet Potato Pie")

If citing multiple recipes from the same author, include the first few words of the recipe to differentiate:

(Landis, "Guava Strawberry")

(Landis, "Spiced Persimmon")

See How do I cite a recipe or cookbook? [MLA Style Center]

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