Author. "Title of Article." Journal Title, vol. X, no. X, Date, pp. X-X. Database, OR URL.
Shook, Anthony, et al. "Musical Experience Influences Statistical Learning of a Novel Language." The American Journal of Psychology, vol. 126, no. 1, 2013, pp. 95-104. JSTOR,
Kobbé, Gustav. "The Smile of the 'Mona Lisa.'" The Lotus Magazine, vol. 8, no. 2, 1916, pp. 67-74. JSTOR,
For forthcoming articles (online prepublications), omit the volume/issue/pages.
Duraccio, Kara M., et al. "Does iPhone Night Shift Mitigate Negative Effects of Smartphone Use on Sleep Outcomes in Emerging Adults?" Sleep Health, 2021. ScienceDirect,
For articles that have article numbers, leave off the article number and page range.
Derry, Ken. "Myth and Monstrosity: Teaching Indigenous Films." Journal of Religion & Film, vol. 22, no. 3, 2018. Digital Commons@UNO,
(Shook et al. 97)
(Kobbé 70)
(Duraccio et al.)
See pages 319 and 341 in the MLA Handbook.
Author. "Title of Article." Newspaper Title [City, if needed], Full Date, pp. X-X.
Author. "Title of Article." Newspaper Title [City, if needed], Full Date. Database OR Website, URL.
Larrabee, Brandon. "Budget Deal to Limit Scholarship Amount Bright Futures Award Would Stay Flat Despite Yearly Hikes in Tuition." Florida Times Union [Jacksonville], 5 May 2009. Business Insights: Essentials,
Tinker, Cleveland. "Partnership to Bring about More Low-Income Housing." The Gainesville Sun, 18 June 2017,
See pages 321-322 in the MLA Handbook.
Author. "Title of Article." Title of Magazine, Full Date, pp. X-X.
Author. "Title of Article." Title of Magazine, Full Date, URL.
Author. "Title of Article." Title of Magazine, Full Date. Database Name, URL.
This title is different based on whether the article is read in print or on the Atlantic website.
Tizon, Alex. "Lola's Story." The Atlantic, June 2007, pp. 64-76.
Tizon, Alex. "My Family's Slave." The Atlantic, June 2007,
Tizon, Alex. "Lola's Story." The Atlantic, June 2007, pp. 64-76. Academic Search Complete,
(Tizon 73)
See page 323 in the MLA Handbook.
Author of Review. Review of Title of Book, by Authors. Journal Title, vol. X, no. X, Date, pp. X-X. Database, OR URL.
Perry, Sally E. Review of Beyond Rosie: A Documentary History of Women and World War Two, edited by Julia Brock, et al. The Journal of American Culture, vol. 40, no. 1, 2017, pp. 77-78. Wiley Online Library,
(Perry 77)
See page 323 in the MLA Handbook.
Author. "Title of Article." Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, no. X, Year, pp. X-X.
McNeill, Ann, et al. "Tobacco Packaging Design for Reducing Tobacco Use." Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, no. 4, 2017, pp. 1-346.
(McNeill et al. 229)
Created using elements from the MLA Handbook.
Some information from library databases is not from periodical articles. Examples include information from AtoZ the World, Peterson's Career Prep, Ferguson's Career Guidance Center, and DemographicsNow. For database content that is from books, use the guidance in the Online Reference Books section.
Author. "Title of Source." Database Name, Publisher, Date.
Brown, Stephen. "Brazil: Music." AtoZ the World, World Trade Press. Accessed 20 June 2017.
The publishers of limited content databases are:
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