Websites can range from popular to informational to academic. Keep in mind the purpose of the site as you evaluate a source.
- You are more likely to find academic sources on .gov and .edu sites, but you still need to look at the purpose and other factors. Many .edu sites host student blogs, personal pages, news, etc. Not all pages with a .edu or .gov ending are academic, but they are good starting places for research. To limit to these sites, add site:gov or site:edu to the end of your search in Google or another search engine (note that there are no spaces in this search).
- .org sites may have some academic works, but again will require evaluation. Many nonprofits will publish research as reports or fact sheets. Note that many nonprofit organizations may have sponsors or a certain mission, so there may be bias. Be sure that you are aware of this (look for a "Mission" or "About Us" page on their site).
- Examine the tone and purpose of the site. Ideally, resources for college level research papers should be written to inform, educate, and/or share research. Some organizations may be trying to sell a product or persuade others of their point of view, which could affect the information they choose to present or highlight. Some organizations might also have a political stance that can affect their presentation of research. Even if a biased site supports your thesis, it lacks credibility and weakens your argument.
Add site:edu or site:gov to your Google search to find reliable research-based information.