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Visual Arts

Finding Books & Videos

Browse for books or videos about art by going to the following call number areas in the Reference Collection (second floor) or Circulating Collection (third floor). Reference books are for in library-use only (do not check out). Books on the third floor may be checked out. You may also use the same call number ranges to locate videos within the Media Collection (second floor).

Call Number Area
General art
Art history
Digital/computer art
Design; Drawing
Graphic arts
Ceramics; Pottery
Computer graphics
Arts and crafts

To search for more books within the visual arts, you can use subject headings. Subject headings allow you to find books specifically about a topic. Go to the library catalog, type in the subject, and select Subject Heading.


For specific artists, type their name with the last name, a comma, and the first name.

subject = botticelli, sando

Note: Add NOT fiction to eliminate fiction (story) books. Avoid books in the PR or PS call number areas, as they will be fiction books.

Selected Titles

The following books are a selection of titles related to visual arts that may interest you. Use the call numbers to locate the print books on the third floor; these books may be borrowed. If you are at a Center, you may request the book be delivered to your Center. eBooks may be read online. Click the title and then log in with your Office 365 account if prompted.

Art Technique Books

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SACSCOC Accreditation Statement

Santa Fe College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). For more information, visit