These procedures apply to print and digital content for display within the Library, on the Library's website, and on digital signage. For more information, see the Display Policy.
Content must have sufficient color contrast. Use WebAIM's Color Contrast Checker to test the contrast between foreground and background colors. Contrast must pass at an AA level.
Use a limited number of large, simple, easy to read fonts. See WebAim's article on fonts for more details on font specifications.
Headings should have larger font sizes than body text.
Do not underline text.
Content should not blink, flash, or fly about.
Digital Signage
Slide resolution for Digital Signage should be 1080 x 1820.
Canva is the preferred software for creating slides.
PNG is the preferred slide format.
Recommended minimum font sizes in Canva:
Headings: 56
Subheadings: 48
Text: 36
Limit file size to ≤ 3MB
Files can be uploaded into the SharePoint site. When you want these files posted, please contact Jenna Miller.