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Respiratory Care

Tutorials Introduction

This page includes all of the tutorials included in this guide.

Library Catalog Video Tutorial

Library Catalog from Lawrence W. Tyree Library on Vimeo.

Hello! In this video tutorial, we will explore how to use the library catalog to find items in the collection of the Lawrence W. Tyree Library.

Located on the Northwest Campus, the Lawrence W. Tyree Library at Santa Fe College has many books, videos, and audio material available for you to borrow for free. You will use the library catalog to look for physical items held in the library, as well as online resources like eBooks and streaming videos.

First, select the Library link on the Santa Fe College website to access the library website.

On the library website, click the Catalog button.

In the library catalog, you can search for a title, author, or topic. The default is a Keyword search, which looks for your terms anywhere in the library catalog. The keyword search returns the most results, but the results might not exactly match what you're looking for.

Click the Keyword option to change how you search. You can limit your search terms to the Title or Author of an item. If you know the Library of Congress subject heading for your topic, choose Subject. Subjects are like hashtags for an item and lead to more relevant results, but you do need to know the correct terms.

Let's search for a topic. If you are looking for items related to a topic, but don't know the subject heading, use the default keyword search. This search is for zombies.

All results matching your search appear. You can limit your results using the options under Filter your results. For instance, you may wish to limit to a specific type of format, like a print book, or only show results that are available on the shelf.

All search results have a header indicating the format of the item. Items that can be read or watched online have an Available Online link. Physical items include information about the collection and call number. Click the title of an item to learn more.

This is the full record of an item, in this case, a book. The record gives you more information about the book, as well as how to find it.

You can scroll down to the Details section to learn more about the item. Some records include a summary or a table of contents, which can help you decide if the item is what you are looking for.

You should also look at the Subjects. These are terms you can use to find more items that match what you are looking for.

Once you identify possible subjects, you can use those terms in a subject search within the library catalog. Subject searches will have fewer results than a keyword search but should more closely match what you are looking for.

The Availability section of the record includes information about how to find the item. The green Available text means it is on the shelf. This book is in the Circulating Collection, where you will find most of the books in the Tyree Library.

All items in the Library are arranged by call number. A call number is an address for the item and helps you find it in the Library. Most collections in the Tyree Library use the Library of Congress Classification system and are a combination of letters and numbers. Copy the full call number, including the year.

Finally, click the Locate button to see a map of where you will find the item in the Library. This identifies which of the Library's three floors you should go to, as well as the general area within the floor. This book is on the third floor.

Each aisle includes a range of call numbers to help you locate your item. Use the call number ranges on each shelf to find the correct aisle.

Then, use the call number to locate the item on the shelf. Call numbers are organized first by the initial letters, then the numbers, and then the next letters. Letters are ordered alphabetically. Numbers are ordered from smallest to largest.

Bring the item to the first floor Circulation Desk to borrow (or "check out"). You will need your Santa Fe College ID card or another form of photo ID.

There are other collections and other types of materials in the library, such as the Media Collection on the second floor and the Vinyl Collection on the first floor. Use the Locate button and call numbers, just like with books, to find these items.

Items in the Reference Collection are not available to borrow and do not leave the Library, but you may use them in the building.

Online resources in the library catalog, such as streaming videos and eBooks, have an Available Online link. Click that link and log in, if prompted, to view the full text or watch the video.

You may see the items you have borrowed by clicking Sign in in the upper right corner of the library catalog.

Choose the Office 365 option and then sign in with your Office 365 account.

Click your name, and then and choose My Loans.

On this screen, you can see which items you have borrowed and when they are due back to the Library. If you need the items for a longer period of time, you may request to renew the items on your account.

Use the Ask Us! button in the library catalog to ask for help from a librarian through online chat. Please ask us if you have any questions!

This concludes the video tutorial on using the library catalog. If you have any questions, please contact a librarian:

Building Y, NW Campus

Accessing Library Databases Video Tutorial

Accessing Library Databases from Lawrence W. Tyree Library on Vimeo.

Hello! This video tutorial will demonstrate how to access library databases at Santa Fe College to locate articles and other subscription content.

Databases are subscription search tools that help you locate content, usually articles. Using databases to find articles has many advantages, such as more search options and full-text results.

To access library databases and read articles, click the Databases button on the library website.

This list shows all the databases that the library at Santa Fe College subscribes to. The list can be navigated several different ways. First, there is a list of Recommended Databases. These are databases that are frequently used and are good places to begin your research.

If you know the name of a database, you can find it alphabetically in the main list. Scroll through the list or use the linked letter shortcuts.

You can also limit to subject-specific databases by clicking the Filter databases by subject(s) option. Choose a relevant subject category and click Submit. This limits to databases that focus on a specific discipline or area and are more likely to contain specific, relevant articles for a topic.

Within a subject category, pay attention to the databases in the Best Bets! area. These databases are recommended by the librarians as the most useful and relevant within that category.

While most library databases mainly contain articles, some contain eBooks or multimedia such as videos or artwork. You can Filter databases by content type(s) to see other types of databases, including Audio, Visual, and Imagery and eBook Collections.

When you have chosen a database, click the title to access it. Many databases also include links to a tutorial and instructions on how to cite content within the database.

Because databases are subscription services, you may be prompted to log in with your SF ID number and college password. You might not see this screen if you are logged into Office 365 elsewhere.

Please see specific library database tutorials for more information on how to search and locate articles and other resources within the databases.

This concludes the video tutorial on accessing library databases. If you have any questions about choosing, accessing, or using a library database, please contact a librarian.

Building Y, NW Campus

Using CINAHL and MeSH Headings

Using the CINAHL/MeSH Headings Feature in EBSCOhost

CINAHL and MeSH Subject Headings are assigned based on article content and help you retrieve more relevant results. In this tutorial, we will look at how to search using the CINAHL Headings feature. The functionality demonstrated is identical to that when searching MeSH headings in the MEDLINE databases.

We'll begin by searching for Subject Headings. Check the Suggest Terms box, then enter your term, such as catheter infections, in the search box, and click Search. You can also click on the CINAHL Subject Headings or MeSH link along the top toolbar which will also bring you to the Headings screen. A list of appropriate CINAHL headings, or subject terms, appears, defaulted to Relevancy Ranked. Your search term also appears at the bottom of the list with the option to search it as a keyword. To the right of the subject terms list is a Major Concept option which, when selected, will restrict results to those articles in which your chosen subject is a major focus. For details about this option, click on the Help icon beside it.

Click on a scope note icon in the Scope column to view the scope note for a subject term. The Tree Views, or hierarchical arrangement of subject headings, are displayed when you click the subject heading. Click the Back to Term List link to return to your list of subject terms. Check the box of a subject term to view the Subheadings, which may be selected to further refine the subject. If a subheading is not selected, all of the subheadings are searched.

When you check a subject term, it is added to the Search Term Builder box. In this example, we have selected the subject heading Catheter-Related Infections with the subheadings of Complications or Drug Therapy or Education. As you select subject headings and subheadings, your search strategy is added to the Search Term Builder box. Remove unwanted terms by clicking the red X next to the term. To browse for additional terms to add to your search, click the Browse Additional Terms link, or after making your selections, click on the Search Database button.

In this example, we will add more terms to our search. You are returned to the browse terms screen. A note lets you know that your previously selected terms have been retained enabling you to continue building your search. Next we will browse for Urinary Infections to add to our search. The list of subject headings relevant to urinary infections is displayed. Click on the term to view the Tree Views or check the box to view all Subheadings. The option to Explode is present for this term, as there is a narrower term 'under' Urinary Tract Infections - Bacteriuria. The Explode option, when selected, will search not only Urinary Tract Infections but also the more specific term of Bacteriuria. If a comprehensive subject search of all types of Urinary Tract infections is wanted, we select the Explode option. If desired, Major Concept and specific subheadings could be selected.

In this example, we will select Explode, select to combine the searches with AND, and click the Search Database button. On the result list, the search is displayed in the search box. Click the Search History link below the search box to open the Search History/Alerts window. From the Search History/Alerts window you can edit the search by clicking Edit. You can also save and edit Search Alerts. Click the Help link to view the complete online Help system.


For more information, visit EBSCO Connect .


PubMed from Lawrence W. Tyree Library on Vimeo.

Hello! This video tutorial will demonstrate how to access articles from the Lawrence W. Tyree Library using PubMed.

PubMed is a public medical database provided by the National Center for Biotechnology Information. This database is a great choice for locating health science articles. To see library holdings in PubMed, you must use a special PubMed link found in the Library's A-Z Databases list. To access this database, click the gray Databases button on the library website.

PubMed is listed alphabetically on the A-Z Databases page, or under the Health & Medicine and Nursing & Allied Health subject categories. To access this database, click its title.

To perform a basic search, enter your keywords into the search box. If you are not sure which keywords to use, consider using the MeSH Database to search for the best terminology. For this example, the keyword phrase is peanut hypersensitivity.

In the results, some articles will be noted as Free Article or Free PMC Article. These articles are freely available online. Other articles may be available through the Library's subscriptions. To see full text options, click the title of an article.

Look for the Full Text Links section on the right side of the screen. Click the Find it @ SF link to determine if an article is available in full text from the Library.

After clicking the Find it @ SF link, you will be prompted to log in. To log in, your username is your SF ID number On the next screen, enter your college password.

If full text is available, you should be taken directly to the article.

If full text is not available, you will be taken to the article's record in the library catalog. If you would like to request the article from another library, click Sign in.

If prompted to sign in, choose the Office 365 option.

Once you are signed in, you will see a link for Interlibrary Loan Request. Interlibrary loan is a free service that allows you to request articles we do not own from other libraries. Requests are usually completed within 1-2 weeks. To access the request form, click the Interlibrary Loan Request link.

When the request form opens, the  article information section is pre-populated, but you will need to enter your contact information. Complete the form and click Submit. This places the interlibrary loan request. If we can get the article from another library, it will be emailed to your college email address.

This concludes the video tutorial on accessing articles through PubMed. If you have any questions, please contact a librarian:

Building Y, NW Campus

Google Scholar Video Tutorial

Google Scholar from Lawrence W. Tyree Library on Vimeo.

Hello! This video tutorial will demonstrate how to use Google Scholar and how to link database holdings.

Google Scholar is a subset of Google that allows you to search for scholarly information, including articles, scholarly books, and other types of publications. Not everything indexed in Google Scholar has the full text available. However, you can increase your full-text results by adding Santa Fe College as your library. To access Google Scholar, go to

At the top left of the page, click the icon with three horizontal lines, and then choose Settings.

On the next screen, click Library links.

On the Library links page, type Santa Fe College in the search box, and press the Enter key. In the resulting list, select Santa Fe College – Find it @ Santa Fe, and then click Save.

Saving your settings takes you back to the Google Scholar search screen. Enter your search in the box provided.

The results list displays matching articles and more. If you see a Find it @ Santa Fe link to the right of an article, the Tyree Library has access to that article. Click the Find it @ Santa Fe link.

Once you click the link, you may be prompted to sign using your Office 365 account. You might not see this screen if you are logged in elsewhere to Canvas or your Office 365 email.

You may be taken directly to the full text of the article or to an intermediary page. On this page, look at the View Online section to see the full text links.

Article options will vary, depending on the database it is part of. All articles should provide the full text.

Articles with other links in the far-right column are freely available online. As with any link to a file found online, be cautious. If you do not recognize the source of the link, you probably should not click it. Instead, contact a librarian for assistance.

If an article does not have a link in the right column, the full text is not currently available. To request a full-text copy of the article, click the double arrows icon.

Next, click the Request it link.

If you are not already signed in, click the Sign in link.

Choose Office 365 and log in with your Office 365 account.

Now you will see the option for an interlibrary loan request. This is the process of requesting that the Library obtain an item for you, which is free.

Fill out your information in the top part of the form. The bottom half should already be filled in with the article information, but you should double check before you submit. Articles are usually available within a week.

This concludes the video tutorial on using Google Scholar. If you have any questions, please contact a librarian:

Building Y, NW Campus

Commitment to Equal Access and Equal Opportunity

Santa Fe College is committed to an environment that embraces diversity, respects the rights of all individuals, is open and accessible, and is free of harassment and discrimination. For more information, visit or contact

SACSCOC Accreditation Statement

Santa Fe College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). For more information, visit