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REL2000 - Introduction to Religion - Braley

Using AND

Combine keywords by putting the word AND between them. You can use this to require that both words are part of all the search results.

One common way to use AND for religion research is to combine a concept with the name of a religion.

Note: If you use the Advanced Search feature of a database, AND is the default connector between the entry boxes:

Academic Search Complete search: kojiki AND shinto

Phrase Searching

To find an exact phrase (i.e., words in a row in an exact order), enclose the phrase in quotation marks.


  • "Bar Mitzvah"
  • "Lao Tzu"
  • "Wu Wei"


Truncation (shortening your keyword) makes the search engine look at other possible forms of a word for which you are searching. Use truncation to find plurals and variations on the endings of a word. To truncate, use the asterisk symbol: *. You can enter this symbol by hitting Shift and 8 on the keyboard at the same time or by hitting the asterisk symbol on the number pad.

Search Example

You want to find the following terms: Christianity, Christian, Christians

Type Christian*


When considering your search terms, be sure to consider if there are synonyms or other ways to express your topic, such as spelling variations. You can combine these synonyms using the word OR. If you wish to add an AND phrase, put the OR words in parentheses.

Search Example

JSTOR search: Shabbat OR Sabbath AND Judaism

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